What changes have actually occurred for makers, organisers, and organisations of colour since #BLM? Three years after the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent (institutional) outrage around the world, SNAP takes stock. While terms like ‘decolonial’, ‘diversity and inclusivity’ are widespread and are used everywhere in the art world, it remains hard for organisations of colour to work on their own terms, independent from or outside of current persistent (white) value systems. In this Circle, SNAP, a collaborative initiative by DEGASTEN, Dipsaus, and Metro54, critically examines the current ‘State of The Arts’.
On 15 September the circle organises a State of The Arts symposium, 15.00-17.00.
More information about the programme and tickets will follow soon.
About It's OK... commoning uncertainties
This circle is part of the multi-year collective art project It's OK... commoning uncertainties and narrating different realities. From May 26 to September 24 in the Oude Kerk, for more information about It's OK... look here.