Whichever you choose, we are happy with each and every donation! You can make one-off or periodic donations. You can also specify your donation’s destination, such as supporting an exhibition, the music programme, our restoration work, or the Oude Kerk in general. This makes giving even more fun. On this page you can read more about the Oude Kerk membership, different ways of donating, donating and bequeathing.
As well as connecting Amsterdam’s residents and visitors to each other, we also introduce them to new perspectives on the city and history. This requires the optimal management and maintenance of the Oude Kerk national monument. We also offer a lively programme of contemporary art and music. Together, we can convey the Oude Kerk’s story to new generations and establish a solid foundation for a healthy future.
Thanks to the support of private individuals, companies, funding organisations, and the government, the Oude Kerk can realise unique art projects and maintain this centuries-old monument. As Amsterdam’s oldest building, it attracts more than a hundred thousand visitors every year. For more information, please contact our business manager.
Whether you want to make a one-off or periodic donation, there are different ways to support us. Below, we list the possibilities for individuals and companies.
The Restoration Fund was established to support the preservation of the Oude Kerk. The Oude Kerk requires continuous maintenance and restoration to keep it in perfect condition and to pass it on to future generations. The assets have been placed in a separate foundation to ensure that they contribute to the costs of maintenance and restoration of the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam (including the church's inventory in the broadest sense), which is owned and managed by the Stichting Oude Kerk in Amsterdam. The donations, legacies and proceeds from fundraising activities on behalf of the Restoration Fund are added to the assets and managed for the same purpose, so that the budget remains available in the future for the research, maintenance and restoration of this national monument.
As a Friend, you contribute to acquisitions, restoration work, exhibitions and education activities. We’ll keep you updated so you can be actively involved in what we do. You can also take advantage of the Friends’ Benefits.
Membership €50 p.a.
Partner membership (two persons) €75 p.a.
What are the Friends’ Benefits?
- Free entry; your guest receives a €2 discount
- Invitations to openings
- Invitation to the annual Saskia Breakfast in March
Without entrepreneurs, Amsterdam would never have become the city it is today. Equally, Amsterdam’s entrepreneurs also owe their success to the city. The Guild of the Oude Kerk allows entrepreneurs and companies to contribute to their beloved city. Together we create a network for collaboration and encounter. To find out more, please contact our business manager.
The Oude Kerk needs continuous maintenance and restoration, which requires considerable funding. We also run an ambitious commissioning policy that invites leading contemporary artists to create works that shed new light on history. We cannot make these unique projects possible without financial assistance from funding bodies and foundations. All support is welcome, whether large or small, one-off or periodic. The Oude Kerk thanks Ammodo, Fonds 21, Mondriaan Fund, AFK, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and others for their support in 2022 and 2023.
The Oude Kerk has ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), which means it is a public benefit organisation. [JC1] Donations to ANBI-designated institutions can be deducted against income tax. You may increase your gift to the Oude Kerk by 25 per cent. The Tax and Customs Administration of the Netherlands accepts that you deduct a quarter more than you donated. Click here for more information about this tax benefit.